
Table 3

Chi- Squared Test Crosstabulation to See if Students are Happy


Guest Policy                Not Happy      Happy             Total               

Maybe                         18.6%              23.6%              20.9%

No                               48.3%              33.8%              41.8%

Yes                              20.8%              22.6%              21.6%

Chi Square                                                                  11.299*          

N= 431 Note: p< 0.05, p< 0.01, p< 0.001

            The table above represents how respondents answered if they were happy during this semester. Variable happy was recoded into only two sections. One through five is now Not Happy and six through ten is now Happy. 41.8% of students said that they are not in favor of the guest policy Longwood as in place, and out of that 180, 48.3% said that they would rate themselves at a five or below on the happiness scale. 42% of all respondents said that they disagreed with the guest policy. Even if you were in favor of the guest policy, 20.8% of students still rated themselves below a six on the happiness scale. The only time that students rated higher than a five is when they were unsure about the guest policy or thought that it could use some revisions. The table is significant at the 0.05 level according to the data pulled from the Chi-Square test.