Pearson Correlation

Table 4

Correlations Between How Confident Students are Compared to how Happy They are

                                                                                    Happiness                    Confidence

Happiness                    Pearson’s Correlation              1                                      0.485***

                                    Significance                                                                     .000           

                                    N(Total)                                   431                                  424

Confidence                  Pearson’s Correlation             0.485***                          1

                                    Significance                            .000    

                                    N(Total)                                  424                                  431             

N= 431/ -1-> -.6(Strong Negative***), -.6->-.3(Moderate Negative**), -.3->0(Weak Negative*), 0->.3(Weak Positive*), .3-> .6(Moderate Positive**), .6-> 1(Strong Positive***)

            According to the table, the correlation between if students are happy this semester and how well they think they will be able to succeed with online classes is significant at the 0.485 level. At this level, the correlation is a moderate positive correlation. This indicates that there is an upward trend showing that the more confident students are in themselves to succeed in online classes, the happier they rated themselves. Both the independent and dependent variables were coded the same for they are both interval ratio variables.