Rhetorical Analysis

The rhetorical analysis that I did was on an article about world poverty and hunger by the non-profit organization Mercy Corps. The major thing that I learned from the writing the rhetorical analysis is how important it is to have facts to back up emotional appeals. One of the things that the article did very well was that they used pathos to generate large amounts of emotional appeals through pictures and stories of children and families living in poverty and hunger. However, Mercy Corps also provided relevant facts to demonstrate how large a problem that world hunger and poverty was. Another major thing that the article did was that it grouped hunger and poverty together as if they were one in the same thing; like you could not have one without the other which played on the element of terministic screens. But, my favorite thing that the article did was empowered the reader with ways in which they could help those that were in need. This empowerment of the reader is one of the things that I think all citizen leaders should do when trying to generate any kind of change; when you empower those around you, they are more willing to help your cause.

Rhetorical Analysis on Mercy Corps Article