Global Politics (POSC 200)

My major concentration is global politics, so one can imagine how excited I was to take my first class geared towards that. While having in person class time, we focused on economic development and trends as well as the roles authoritarian governments play on the global stage. Unfortunately, this class also finished online, where we continued to learn about different revolutions and authoritarian regimes, as well as their relationships with the United States by reading articles and news sources to write essays on different topics. Through these assignments, I was able to become more comfortable using research databases and finding credible news articles.

The transition to online classes was a little rough, but I am proud that I was able to pull through and use my knowledge from our short time in class, as well as the multiple assignments and heightened skills from our time online to put together two essays, which can be viewed below, for my final. One is in regard to what I had learned about global economic development and the other is about the types of relationships the United States has had with authoritarian governments.