In COMM 141: Media Writing, I created a press release on the COVID-19 vaccine. For this course, ENGL 470, my same group partners (Grace Girdley and Payten Bovat) and I created a press release on our hypothetical product called Fit Fridge. The general rhetorical goal for a press release is to inform or give insight. In this case, we needed to inform readers of our new product. Following the AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action) organization style, we began by answers the 5Ws+H, or who, what, when, where, why, and how, in the lead line. Then, we followed the first paragraph with a quotation from the company’s CEO to promote an ethos appeal while also gaining the reader’s attention. The third and fourth paragraphs’ goals were to create interest by describing the features of the product. Then, we attempted to create desire by describing how the product works with the user to help with any nutrition goal. Our ethos is furthered by a recommendation from a customer. Lastly, the final line implicitly calls readers to buy a Fit Fridge with a promotional discount on the product. Although I had already had experience with formatting a press release document, I did not have previous experience with writing a press release in plain English following the Eight “C”s that also uses the AIDA organization style.