
ENGL 470 has provided me with numerous professional skills. Including but not limited to: writing, collaborating, communicating, researching, and formatting documents in a professional context. For the professional correspondence letters, I researched and followed the professional format of a memo as well as a block letter. Then, I wrote the documents utilizing rhetorical strategies like the Eight “C”s and AIDA. My group projects allowed me to learn and practice how to effectively collaborate with others – especially for our presentation of our professional report findings. In the promotional materials we created, we applied the rhetorical strategies we had learned as well as applying the CRAP design principles. In the press release, we wrote in a unique rhetorical context of a product launch and applied the various rhetorical strategies. In our final project, the professional report, we researched and analyzed different websites then organized a formal report of our findings. In the future, I will use the rhetorical strategies and design principles I exercised throughout this semester in any workplace setting. Specifically, I hope to one day work as a freelance grant writer and copyeditor – both of which use professional genres that demand things like plain English and proper formatting to increase efficiency and consistency in workplace communication. Until then, I will use rhetorical strategies like the Eight “C”s for when I communicate in my current job as Assistant Director of the Writing Center at Longwood University and as Director of the Big Event (an organization on campus).