Inclement Weather

During and After Earthquake

Take cover in an interior doorway, or under a heavy piece of furniture

  • Protect head at all costs
  • Stay clear of windows and glass doors
  • If you are inside building, stay inside
  • Tell others to take cover
  • Do not stand other easily breakable objects
  • Check or injured personnel or anyone in immediate danger
  • Evacuate the facility and take headcount and check everyone is present
  • Do not use the elevators


  • Avoid areas with windows or doors to the outside
  • Move to a closed area (put as many walls as possible between you and the outside)
  • Curl up in. a ball with arms over your head to protect yourself
  • Check or injured personnel or anyone in immediate danger
  • Evacuate the facility and take headcount and check everyone is present


  • If snow is heavy and leaves the community in danger, the facility will be closed based on how we feel and the community warnings