Chapter 5, 6, & 7
A. What is habit-stacking? How might you use this concept to improve your work habits?
Habit-stacking is when you identify the habits that you are already taking part in and “stack” the new habit/behavior on top of the existing habits. It helps with making sure the original habits are still being done while the new ones are being factored in in a way that will help the new one stick. I think this concept would help me to improve my work habits by including a new habit checking of planner everyday like I told myself I would. I think this could also help with my work habits by designating time specifically for work into my routine and time specifically for relaxing. Overall, I enjoyed learning about this concept of habit-stacking and look forward to trying to implement this concept into my work habits as well as my every day habits.
B. According to the first law of behavior change, to develop a new, better habit one “makes it obvious”, to eliminate a bad habit one “makes it invisible.” Explain how you would use this concept to make a good work habit obvious and a bad work habit invisible.
I would use this concept to make a good work habit obvious by having almost all of my assignments turned in before the due date or at least most of them turned in before the due date. I also could use this concept from my meetings with my mentor especially yesterday when I had project ideas already written down and ready to go for my meeting with him. In terms of making a bad work habit invisible would be trying not to save certain things for the last minute and plan them out. I feel like if I follow through with making sure I turn my assignments in early I wouldn’t have to worry about the last minute turning in of assignments and that planning them out really is working.
Learning Outcome: Completed Blog Post The student completed a reflective writing blog post according to the assignment description to include replying to all questions in a narrative (paragraph) format.
Learning Outcome: Attendance & Participation The student was on time to the book club meeting, attended the entire session, and participated actively and independently in the discussion/activities presented.