Book Club-Week 8

While there are many helpful concepts that I have learned throughout the duration of the book club, I believe there are two that really stood out to me in regards to building better work habits and breaking down bad ones. The first one that I will carry with me is “make it obvious.” I believe this is a great concept that I can apply to my professional career by creating schedules and to-do lists that I can follow. Even though I have always been a person to keep an agenda, by making my desired outcome obvious, it will help me to follow my plan. This will allow me to stay on track and not get distracted as I will have a list that will help me focus.
The second concept that I will apply to my life after the conclusion of the internship is “make it hard”. As I have discussed throughout the duration of the book club, I often struggle with being distracted by my phone. However, Clear discusses the importance of making it hard to do a bad habit. By making it hard, it is more unlikely for me to fall into old habits. For example, when I am studying, I will put my phone in another room and turn off the notifications on my laptop to prevent me from getting distracted. By applying these two concepts to my life, not only will I be able to focus more on the given task, I will also have more time to enjoy my job rather than be stressed.


Clear, James. (2018). Atomic Habits: An easy & proven way to build good habits and break bad ones. New York, NY: Penguin Random House LLC.

Criteria for Success: 

Learning Outcome: Completed Blog Post

The student completed a reflective writing blog post according to the assignment description to include replying to all questions in a narrative (paragraph) format.

Learning Outcome: Attendance & Participation

The student was on time to the book club meeting, attended the entire session, and participated actively and independently in the discussion/activities presented.

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