Blog Posts

Blog Posts

Blog posts are weekly assignments in which you are asked to write and post content about your internship. Posted content must follow all legal guidelines, cite other sources as appropriate and be consistent with what is requested in each assignment description and rubric. Blog posts make up 35% of the grade for this course and requires both instructor and mentor approval of each assignment to be considered “complete”. While both the instructor and mentor will post approvals as comments in your blog, actual grades will be entered on canvas. The schedule of assignments for “blog posts” are as follows:

Blog (Mentor Approval Required) 35%
  Blog Development 5 6/7/20 7%
  Mentor Interview 4 6/14/20 4%
  Junior Internship Goals 4, 7 6/14/20 4%
  Agency Summary & Market Scan 1, 5 6/14/20 4%
  Population Summary 3, 5 6/14/20 4%
  Program Evaluation 2, 5 6/21/20 4%
  Individual Video Plan & Implementation 5, 6 7/12/20 4%
  Evaluation of Internship & Goals 4,5, 7, 8 7/19/20 4%