Agency Summary & Market Scan

Agency/Setting Summary:

  1. Agency/Setting name and description (brief explanation of the agency type, services provided, populations served, location).

Bon Secours Southside Regional Medical Center is a 300 bed-acute care general hospital serving the nearly 200,000 residents in the Tri-Cities and surrounding counties. It is located in Petersburg, Virginia. The services provided are general surgeries, rehabilitation, dependency programs, cancer treatments, OBGYN, and behavioral health care. The populations served range from young adults to older adults. The employees work on an interdisciplinary team to meet the patient’s needs (Bon Secours, n.d.).


  1. Etiology & History- when was the agency founded and how has it changed/grown over time?

The agency was founded in 1884 as the Petersburg Home for the Sick. Two years later, it was named Petersburg Hospital and then in 1952, a new hospital was built on South Adams Street and became known as Petersburg General Hospital. However, in 1986, the hospital’s name was changed to Southside Regional Medical Center. The hospital was relocated to its current location in 2008 at 200 Medical Park Boulevard with easy access to Interstate 95. This year, Southside Regional Medical Center transitioned into a new name called Bon Secours Southside Regional Medical Center (Bon Secours, n.d.).

  1. Mission/Vision/Core Values- List these. Not every agency has all of these elements, which is fine.

Bon Secours Southside Regional Medical Center Mission Statement- Our mission is to provide extraordinary healthcare for patients and their families, provide a center of excellence for physicians to practice medicine, and create a vibrant workplace for employees. Overall, the core values of this hospital are to provide healthcare for all patients without discrimination (Bon Secours, n.d.).

Vision- Inspired by God’s hope for the world, we will be a ministry where associates want to work, clinicians want to practice, people seek wellness and communities thrive (Bon Secours, n.d.).

Values- The values are human dignity, integrity, compassion, stewardship, and service (Bon Secours, n.d.).

  1. Agency continuum of services and intended goals/outcomes for those services.

The RT department plans and facilitates treatment groups for patients based on the needs identified through the Recreational Therapy Assessment. The groups are implemented daily and are identified as part of the patient’s treatment plan. Some of the intended treatment goals are to improve concentration, to stimulate interest, to increase independent functioning, and to identify healthy ways of self-expression. Some of the different services are psychoed groups that help the patient develop healthy coping strategies. Lastly, it is important to help the patients identify physical, emotional, mental, and behavioral symptoms of their mental health diagnosis (Branzelle, M, June 13, 2020).

  1. Stakeholders- identify the internal/external stakeholders of RT services

Some of the internal stakeholders of RT services at the hospital are treatment team members, allied professionals, supervisors, volunteers, and administrators. Another group of internal stakeholders are employees as they play a huge role in the delivery of services. Some examples of external stakeholders are customers, families, the PACT Team (intensive treatment through D-19) who visit the patients at the hospital as well as District 19 which is a Community Agency (Branzelle, M, June 13, 2020).

6. Organizational chart- describe the chain of management/supervision within the agency beginning with yourself as the intern.

The organizational chart for the hospital is

  1. Intern
  2. Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist
  3. Social Worker Team Leader
  4. Program Director
  5. VP of Nursing
  6. CEO of Hospital

(Branzelle, M, June 13, 2020)

7 .  Agency Policies and Procedures (2)- applicable to all agency employees. List the name and a one-sentence explanation of the purpose of the policy.

1. To follow the mission of the agency- It is important for all agency employees to follow the mission statement to ensure everyone is upholding the values of the hospital (Branzelle, M, June 13, 2020).

2. To follow the Code of Conduct- It is important for everyone to treat people fairly and to abide by the rules given by HIPPA (Branzelle, M, June 13, 2020).

8. RT Policies and Procedures (3)- applicable to RT services only. List the name and a one-sentence explanation of the purpose of the policy.

  1. To provide services to individuals with disabilities- The important of this policy is to ensure the needs of the patients are being met (Branzelle, M, June 13, 2020).
  2. Give the RT assessment within 72 hours- This is crucial to ensure that the patient is given the assessment in order to follow the required guidelines (Branzelle, M, June 13, 2020).
  3. To plan and implement services daily- This is important for the RT to implement programs daily to ensure the patients are receiving the best level of care (Branzelle, M, June 13, 2020).

9. Accreditation/Licensing/Regulation- identify what agencies regulate the agencies and RT services. For each regulating body, give an example of a regulation impacting RT services.

The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JACHO) is responsible for the accreditation of the overall hospital and all units within the hospital. This impacts the RT services by ensuring they are meeting the appropriate standards. Secondly, the Virginia Department of Health licenses the hospital as well. This impacts the RT services by making sure the RT services are carrying out the mandated regulations of Virginia. The goals of the hospitalization are to assist patients with stabilization of symptoms and to help develop strategies to promote healthy living, healthy thinking and positive ways of coping (Branzelle, M, June 13, 2020).


Market Scan:

  1. Who are the customers of RT services at this agency?

The customers of the RT services are patients in a behavioral health setting that have one or multiple mental health disabilities. Once they are admitted to the unit, a treatment plan is created based on their specific needs (Branzelle, M, June 13, 2020).


  1. What is the cost and how are RT services paid for (membership fees, billable services, bundled fees, grants, etc.)?

The RT department does not bill for the RT services. The bill is inclusive of the treatment that the patient received while they were at the hospital (Branzelle, M, June 13, 2020).

  1. What is the product/service provided to the customers?

The product/services provided to the customers are daily therapeutic interventions that focus on improving independent functioning and overall wellness. Some of the specific services are leisure skills groups, music appreciation groups, living skills groups, stress management groups, coping skills groups, and family education groups (Branzelle, M, June 13, 2020).

  1. Are the customers satisfied with the RT services provided? How do you know?

Even though the hospital gives surveys that they send the patients once they are discharged, the behavioral health unit is not included. The RT department does evaluations of the programs and assessments of the overall effectiveness. However, in most cases, the patients will express through a self-assessment how they feel about their progress and if they are meeting their goals. They might even send a card after they have left the facility (Branzelle, M, June 13, 2020).

  1. Are there competitors to your agency?

Other community hospitals in the surrounding areas such as MCV, Henrico Doctors, St. Mary’s, Tucker’s Pavilion, and John Randolph that have a behavioral health unit in the hospital are big competitors. Other agencies such as Popular Springs are also big competitors to the hospital (Branzelle, M, June 13, 2020).

  1. Are there untapped/potential markets which RT services could be expanded to? If so, who are they and what services?

In regards to behavioral health, home health is a good idea for a potential market. It is a great way for the RT to become part of the treatment team and reach members of the community while giving them resources to help them flourish after discharge (Branzelle, M, June 13, 2020).


Bon Secours. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Branzelle, M. (2020, June 13). Personal interview

Criteria for Success: Rubric-

Agency Scan

The student completed all elements of the agency scan per the instructions in the assignment description.

Market Scan

The student adequately replied to all market scan prompts.


The student correctly cites in APA style all the sources utilized to gather the information for this blog post.

Mentor Approval

The student’s mentor has reviewed the post, checking it against assignment description and rubric criteria. The mentor has approved he student’s work.

3 Responses to Agency Summary & Market Scan

  1. Dr. Whitely says:

    The content looks good and is well-organized, you just need to add in-text citations.

  2. Mary Branzelle says:

    Approved. Met the requirements for the rubric.

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