Hello world!

Hello mentor, professor, and my fellow peers and welcome to my blog! My name is Carrie Bailey and I am super excited to begin my junior internship. Since my first day in the Therapeutic Recreation program at Longwood, I have always enjoyed the hands-on experience that Longwood offers. Prior to this internship, I have had a variety of experiences that I believe have helped prepare me for this internship. Thanks to the 120 plus preliminary fieldwork hours that I have had to obtain, I have gathered countless experiences from a wide variety of agencies and populations. Two of the most important experiences that I have had this far that I believe have prepared me for this internship are being able to write an detailed implementation plan for a specific population as well as building rapport with my clients. Due to volunteering with different populations, I have observed and practiced first hand many different leadership techniques that I believe have helped me grow tremendously as a future Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist. In addition, I have had the opportunity to plan and implement my own facilitations to peers, children, middle aged-adults, older adults, and countless other populations. During this internship, I hope to enhance my communication skills with my peers, professor, and my mentor while further developing my leadership skills in order to gain confidence in my ability to provide therapeutic recreation services. My current interest in the field of therapeutic recreation is to work with older adults in a long-term care facility. However, due to my interest in psychology and my psychology minor, I am also interested in potentially working with adults in a mental health setting. Thank you for taking the time to come to my blog! Have a blessed day!

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2 Responses to Hello world!

  1. Courtney Price says:

    Hey Carrie! I love the way your blog is set up and I love how you have a picture in the background. that was a really nice and creative touch. The only thing I would suggest is when it comes to the criteria for the book club meetings, I would put the task as well as the criteria. For example, for week 2, add what chapters we had to read and the questions we had to answer. Lastly, there are a few grammatical errors in the introduction. I believe in the fourth sentence, you meant to say “thus” instead of “this”. Also, in that same sentence, it should be “a detailed implementation” instead of “an detailed implementation”. Other than those nit-picky things, this is a great blog! Well done.

  2. Rebecca Locey says:

    Hello Carrie! I would just like to start out by saying that I love the layout of your blog and the picture you chose of Longwood, it is beautiful. I would read over your introduction paragraph I was reading through it and where you wrote “write an detailed implementation plan” I would just change the an to a so the sentence flows better. Just read over and double check it all flows smoothly. Also when you are naming the different populations in the one sentence I do not believe you need a coma after older adults because you follow it up with and so the and kind of takes the place of that coma cause you are finishing up the sentence.

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