Application of the Levels of Processing Model
By: Cicely Dunaway
The more you can relate the information for an exam to other concepts, the greater understanding of those concepts you will have. Repetition alone or staring at notes does not properly allow for information to be stored in your memory. The levels of the processing model show when you can connect more meanings to a concept it will be stored deeper. The techniques below help explain how you can take information from your classes that might be on your final exam and begin to understand it more so when it becomes test time you will feel confident in your studying and feel prepared to do well.
Connect new ideas with well-known concepts such as creating a mnemonic device
This is a fun way to connect important ideas and concepts with short phrases that stick in your brain better. It allows you to recall more information by using a few short words or phrases to remind you of concepts.The following is an example of a mnemonic device in the context of math:
Make a story including the important information
Relating a fun story to the information you need to remember will help you recall it better as it gives the concepts new meanings and different ways to think about them. This helps when trying to recall information on a test because the concepts will be related to something more interesting to think about.
Teach the information to someone else
Go through concepts that might be hard for you with a roommate. This will allow you to explain information in your own words and think about them in a different way that might not be in the textbook or lecture.