Research Reflection

In my experience of writing research papers, I have only chosen a topic and researched similar topics relating to my main topic. However, in Social Research and Program Evaluations, I was able to become a part of the process it’s self. Not only did I write a research paper, but I was also able to work with others within the class to research and evaluate a program. When I was first given the assignment I was very nervous, but also excited. I have never experienced research in the way I did within this class. Throughout my reflection, I will discuss what was the most difficult for me, what I enjoyed doing, and my overall experience.

Throughout my class experience, I was always nervous about what would come next, however, my professor made things simple by breaking down everything the class needed to do and know. I believe the hardest part was inputting the quantitative data in SPSS. The percentages and tables confused me at first but also allowed me to learn new things. I learned how to read quantitive data put into SPSS, the tables provided, and how to run a bivariate analysis. The best part of my experience was able to see the results. The class was able to create survey questions, analyze qualitative and quantitative data, and write a research paper on everything we did throughout the semester to evaluate the program.

Overall, I had a positive experience researching and evaluating the program Dr.Bidwell and Dr. Pederson created. I feel very accomplished and proud of everyone who participated in the program. I learned the process of hands-on research by making a survey, analyzing data, and evaluating a program. The program did make a positive impact on parents and their children. The class allowed me to experience helping others and help me gain knowledge of research papers. With the help of Dr. Pederson, I was also able to push myself to do the best that I could which allowed me to have a positive experience throughout this past semester.