Session 8

Session 8: Review and Termination of services

SMART goals: By the end of sessions, Participants will be able to define and describe maternal depression and identify at least three coping skills

Objective 1: The group will describe and discuss maternal depression and its misconceptions

Objective 2: The group will discuss coping mechanisms.

Objective 3: The group will practice at least five coping mechanisms.

Objective 4: The group will discuss and describe the signs and symptoms of maternal depression

By the end of sessions, group participants will be able to identify and manage triggers

Objective 1: The group will define the term “triggers.”

Objective 2: The group will explore possible triggers.

Objective 3: Develop a personal trigger identification and management plan that includes at least three specific strategies to identify and manage triggers.

By the end of sessions, Group participants will be able to identify and describe the risk and protective factors associated with maternal depression

Objective 1: The group will define risk and protective factors

Objective 2: Develop a list of at least three risk factors and three protective factors associated with maternal depression that each member can identify and describe in their own words.

Agenda: 50 minutes with a 10-minute break

Reflection discussion – 20 Minutes

10 minute break

Safety Plan- 15 Minutes

Assessment and Evaluation – 20 Minutes

* At the start of each session, write the topic and lesson plan on the whiteboard*

* At the start of each session, do an emotional and well-being check-in and prayer and music*

*Be aware that the time breakdowns are suggestions, and some activities may require more or less time depending on the group’s needs. A reminder that each sessions time breakdowns are an estimate *

Lesson Plan:

Reflection Discussion

  • Reflect on what Maternal depression is as an “umbrellas term”
  • Review how to identify signs and symptoms
  • Review the risk and protective factors of maternal depression
  • Review how to identify triggers and practice coping skills
  • Reflect on your biggest takeaway from the group
  • Reflect on how you felt at the start of the group vs. Now

10- minute break

Safety Plan:

Have Participants break into groups to create their individualized safety plan.

  • Include in the safety plan 3 coping skills that have to believe will work for them.
  • Include their risk and their protective factors and how they might affect their coping skills
  • include 3 triggers they have and how they will use coping skills to manage them
  • Include a support system they can contact when struggling

Assessment and Evaluations

Group facilitators will pass around participant evaluation and assessment forms. Instruct members to complete the form and turn it in to the Bridge to Africa Inc.

Group facilitators will conclude the last session with a few words of encouragement and prayer. Group facilitators will refer participants back to the Bridge to Africa leaders for more resources and guidance.


Whiteboard, dry-erase marker, pencils, journals, printed copies of the Participant Evaluation and Assessment Form
