Session 3

Session 3: Risk and Protective Factors

SMART goal: By the end of sessions, Group participants will be able to identify and describe the risk and protective factors associated with maternal depression

Objective 1: The group will define risk and protective factors

Objective 2: Develop a list of at least three risk factors and three protective factors associated with maternal depression that each member can identify and describe in their own words.

Agenda: 50 minutes with a 10-minute break

* At the start of each session, write the topic and lesson plan on the whiteboard*

* At the start of each session, do an emotional and well-being check-in and prayer and music*

*Be aware that the time breakdowns are suggestions, and some activities may require more or less time depending on the group’s needs. A reminder that each sessions time breakdowns are an estimate *

Risk Factors – 5 minutes

Protective Factors – 5 minutes

10-minute break

Risk and Protective Factors activity – 15 minutes

Risk and Protective Factors discussion – 15 minutes

Lesson plan:

Instructor- lead lecture: Introduction to Risk Factors and Protective Factors ( refer to the presentation)

Risk Factors :

Characteristics at the biological, psychological, family, community, or cultural level that precede and are associated with a higher likelihood of negative outcomes”

Protective Factors:

“Characteristics associated with a lower likelihood of negative outcomes or that reduce a risk factor’s impact. Protective factors may be seen as positive countering events”

Risk and Protective Factors Activity:

  1. Ask each member of the group to identify and share their own protective factors for maternal mental health. Write these on the whiteboard or flip chart.
  2. After everyone has shared their risk and protective factors, divide the group into pairs or small groups.
  3. In pairs or small groups, have participants discuss ways they can support each other in their individual journeys toward maternal depression. Encourage them to share specific actions they can take to support each other throughout the group sessions
  4. Bring the group back together and have each pair or small group share their ideas for supporting each other. Write these on the whiteboard or flip chart.
  5. Finally, have the group discuss ways they can continue to support each other in the group sessions.

10 Minute break

Risk and Protective Factors Discussion:

  • Can you define and describe risk and protective factors?
  • What are the three risk factors you wrote down on your list
  • What are the three protective factors you wrote down on your list
  • What are some of the risk factors for maternal depression that you have experienced or observed in others?
  • What are some of the protective factors that have helped you or others in your life to avoid or overcome maternal depression?
  • Any questions?

Group facilitators will conclude the session with a plan for the next session and say a closing prayer.


Pens and Pencils, Folder, Whiteboard, dry-erase markers, Journal

Reference list:

Ghaedrahmati, M., Kazemi, A., Kheirabadi, G., Ebrahimi, A., & Bahrami, M. (2017). Postpartum depression risk factors: A narrative review. Journal of Education and health promotion, 6, 60. 

Mollard E, Kupzyk K, Moore T. Postpartum stress and protective factors in women who gave birth in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic. Women’s Health. 2021;17. doi:10.1177/17455065211042190

Risk and Protective Factors. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (n.d.). Retrieved from