Session 2

Session 2: Signs and Symptoms

SMART goal: By the end of sessions, Participants will be able to define and describe maternal depression and identify at least three coping skills

Objective 1: The group will describe and discuss maternal depression and its misconceptions

Objective 4: The group will discuss and describe the signs and symptoms of maternal depression

Agenda: 50 minutes with a 10-Minute break

* At the start of each session, write the topic and lesson plan on the whiteboard*

* At the start of each session, do an emotional and well-being check-in and prayer and music*

*Be aware that the time breakdowns are suggestions, and some activities may require more or less time depending on the group’s needs. A reminder that each sessions time breakdowns are an estimate *

Maternal Depression review – 3 minutes

Signs of Maternal Depression – 10 minutes

Symptoms of Maternal depression -10 minutes

10-minute break

Signs and symptoms discussion – 27 minutes

Lesson Plan:

Maternal Depression review

Group facilitators should know that maternal depression is an umbrella term and an official diagnosis will help navigate proper treatment

Example questions that group facilitators will use to guide the discussion:

  • What are your current beliefs about maternal depression
  • How has your experience with motherhood and pregnancy been, if you are comfortable sharing?
  • Have you ever experienced any mood shifts since pregnancy and the postnatal stage and what did you think of them?
  • What have you been told about women who cannot “bond” with their children?
  • Any questions?

Signs and Symptoms of Maternal Depression

  • Feeling sad, worthless, or guilty
  • Excessive worrying
  • Loss of interest in activities or hobbies
  • Changes in appetite
  • Changes in sleep pattern
  • Excessive crying
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Confusion

10-minute break following the presentation; group facilitators should mingle around the room to talk 1-1 with group participants and to check on the emotional well-being of the participants

Group facilitators will open the room for discussion the following the break

Signs and Symptoms Discussion: allow participants to guide the discussion amongst each other and mediate where needed, all of them to share out first before speaking the conversations with premade discussion points

Example questions that group facilitators will use to guide the discussion:

  • What signs and/or symptoms can you identify feeling since getting pregnant and postbirth?
  • If you are a mother with more than one child did you have these symptoms during all pregnancy and post-childbirth? Were they the same or did they vary?
  • Do you feel you have a good understanding of the signs of maternal depression and can tell the difference between baby blues?
  • Any question?

Group facilitators will conclude the session with a plan for the next session and say a closing prayer.


Pens and Pencils, Journal, Whiteboard, dry-erase markers


Postpartum depression: Causes, symptoms & treatment. Cleveland Clinic. (n.d.). Retrieved from