Ghana Study Abroad Project


If you have found this page, that means you are interested in the study abroad program in Ghana in the summer of 2023.

Dr. Erica Brown-Meredith is the founder of the study abroad program in Ghana for the Social Work department. The study abroad program will take place from late June to early July, with approximately 18 days of travel from Accra, Kumasi, and Cape Coast. Members of this study abroad program will be completing community service with the help of an organization called Bridge to Africa Connection (BATC).

The SOWK 425 has been instructed to create a group intervention curriculum to be utilized by the social work student, who will facilitate a group session on a specific topic with young women in Kumasi.

We are currently conducting research on the topic of maternal depression in Ghana. We are proposing to Dr.Brown-Meredith that she complete with her students a psychoeducational group that uses empowerment and systems theory to guide these women to solutions for their ongoing situation. The goal of the intervention is to help these women grow into healthy moms who raise healthy children.

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