Journal Entry 9

For the self-assessment “Are You More of a Transformational Leader?” My results are that I am a transformational leader. A transformational leader means that I am one to seek a change of the status quo. I work towards the future and have a vision for the future. For the self-assessment “Are You More Charismatic, Transformational, or Both?” I am more transformational than charismatic, and the smallest number with both. My response to these results is that I am happy that my results show that I am a transformational leader. I believe this is true as I am always working towards bettering myself and my organizations for the future and not just for the present.

Referent power is most likely to be associated with a charismatic leader. This is because referent power is a person’s ability to influence their followers. Referent power is important when being a leader and charismatic leaders possess this type of power well.

I believe that I am a transformational leader. This is because I believe in finding solutions to problems in organizations that may have not been thought of. I feel that it is important to have respect, trust, and commitment. I have a lot of excitement and energy when it comes to organizations, and I value change. I believe I have many qualities that resonate with a transformational leader. The type of leadership I aspire to resemble the most would be transformational leadership. I aspire to have the traits and to strengthen the skills that work make me a transformational leader.