Journal Entry 6

For the first self-assessment, my results were right in the middle of political and nonpolitical meaning that I use my political behaviors (good work relationships, being loyal and honest, and gaining recognition) equally. For the second self-assessment, my results were a 60 which means I have effective networking skills. Networking is the process of developing relationships for the purpose of helping with resources or careers. This is an area that I consider to be one of my strengths. For the last self-assessment, I got right in the middle for negotiation. My response to the results of these three self-assessments is that I am not developed in my negotiation skills, which I knew could use some enhancement. I learned that I use all my political behaviors equally as a leader. I feel satisfied knowing that information. My strengths are developing good relationships that I can use for networking and relationships in the workplace setting. I want to improve my negotiation skills.

I am a senior social work major at Longwood University. I have experience working in two domestic violence shelters, I hope to eventually work in the hospital and be an emergency room social work. What would your biggest advice be to a social worker first beginning their career? I might use this 1-minute self-sell as I enter the field of social work by asking social works, I network what their advice would be. I can also use this to sell myself to different companies and people.