Journal Entry 1

My results of the leadership potential assessment were in total 33 points. 33 points put me more towards the higher leadership potential but not a strong leader. My results for managerial leadership were 19 for technical skills, 19 for interpersonal skills, and 15 for decision-making skills.

The results of both assessments could indicate I am a strong leader in the making and have a lot of potentials. As well as showing that I am not all the way comfortable in my leadership and decision-making skills. My strengths when it comes to leadership are interpersonal skills. I work very well when it comes to interacting with other people and remembering important details about a person. One area in leadership that I want to improve on is being more confident in the decision-making process. I tend to feel scared when making decisions as a leader because I am scared to make a bad decision for an organization.

This information could apply to my work as a social worker because it gives an idea of where my leadership skills are, what I am better at and what I am lacking as a leader. It helps me realize my skills and how I can apply those to my everyday work as well as to clients. This information helps with becoming more self-aware, a better social worker, and a leader.