Closing Thoughts

Before Social Work 412, I was unsure what it even meant to be a leader. I knew the basics, and what I have learned along the way, but it was not until this class did I truly understand what it meant to be a leader, or how to become a great leader myself.

These leadership self-assessments allowed me to think critically about my skills in a professional setting. This assignment has made me understand more about what the beginning of my leadership journey looks like, and has shown me what type of leader I aspire to be. Without this assignment and the self-assessments, I would have never understood what being a leader truly entails.

I will strive to be a great leader that cares about tasks, but my co-workers and peers as well. I will strive to meet my goals and create more goals along the way. I will remember my mission statement each day, and remember why I want to be a social worker, and why I want to be a great leader.