Career Plan

Within the next year, I want to research and evaluate options to attend a dual degree program to obtain a J.D./M.S.W. dual degree.

My current placement as a family case manager in a domestic violence program is the perfect opportunity for me to see first hand how the court system affects victims and their families. This opportunity also allows for collaboration with court advocates and the Domestic Violence High-Risk Team. This team involves representatives from the following:

    • Probation and Parole 
    • Lynchburg Community Corrections 
    • Forensic Nurses
    • Public Defenders Office
    • Legal Aid 
    • DSS
    • CPS 
    • Chef of Lynchburg Police 
    • Lynchburg’s magistrate’s office 

Therefore, this job will allow for me to grow and learn various perspectives within the system before I seek a J.D./M.S.W. 

While I am researching and evaluating this opportunity, I may be able to seek criminal justice courses offered locally. I will also aim to network with individuals that have been through this process as well.

This dual degree will open up further opportunities to combat social justice issues and advocate for clients as a social worker.