Goal 1: Develop an understanding of the concepts of biological science.
This artifact is a review paper that discussed the issues with habitat fragmentation. Habitat fragmentation was a topic that was taught in my BIOL 341- Ecology class. Habitat fragmentation has to do with discontinuities in organisms’ environments. This review paper discusses, who is correct, the scientist that believes it is good for the organisms or the scientist who says it is bad for the organism. This kind of article matters because habitat fragmentation is something affecting our ecological systems right now. Whether it is man-made fragmentations, which are agriculture, rural development, urbanization or whether it is made by nature, which could be streams or natural disasters. As a student who wanted to go into more molecular biology. It was really hard to focus on the Ecology aspect of biology. To me this skill mattered because this is our planet that we are talking about and every organism plays a role in our ecosystem no matter the size of the organism. Now that this is done I would like to learn about how long in length and width the habitat fragmentation has to be in order to do the most damage. This course of ecology reminds me of BIOL 309, the plant biology class I took because I wrote a general audience paper about agriculture and in this paper it is said that agriculture is a man made fragmentation. Overall, I believe that this paper has had a positive impact and has given me more experience in the biology field.