I took general physics one as a course requirement for my biology major. I chose to reflect on the four tests I took and my loss of concentration for one.
I had taken AP and IB physics in high school so I was already introduced to a majority of basic physics material. This was very true for me with exams one and two when I earned two As. However when exam three came by, I had focused a little less on my studying and focused more on other classes during the time. I received a B- on this exam and put my final grade at jeopardy of dropping down to a B. I realized I needed to refocus on physics and when exam four came I brought my grade back to that A territory. I reflected on this because I had lost my concentration for the class and it almost resulted in me getting a grade that I should not earn because of my past experience with the material.
Below is a picture of the four exams I reflected on.