
Service is a major part of what the Cormier Honors College sets out to do.  Personally, I found myself serving in a number of ways, both big and small.  From simple things such as tutoring friends to being active in organizations, service has proven to be an important part of my Longwood experience.  One of the most influential and unexpected service projects I joined was through the Sustainability Scholars.  Lead by Dr. Justin Ellis, we read a book called Drawdown about the top one hundred most influential climate change solutions today.  Admittedly I was drug into this group by a friend, and I was pretty intimidated about being the one Nursing major in a sustainability group run by science majors.  However, I’ve always had a passion for protecting our planet and learning ways to help the earth.  So, I stuck with it, and I am so happy that I did!  We compiled a list of the top solutions that we could apply to Longwood and to Farmville as a whole and brainstormed ways to implement them in our community.  I am looking forward to continuing our research and implementation of these plans, as well as educating our student body on how to be more environmentally friendly.

I think this image sums up service the best.  After a very long night of studying at Greenwood Library, I saw what I thought was a piece of paper on the ground.  As I got closer, I noticed that it was a Chi dropping!  Along with feeling very lucky and excited amidst the twenty-degree weather, it also gave me a good reminder of what service really means.  “Service to the whole, without seeking honor for thyself.”  I could not have said it better myself!  Service is needed to improve and help things outside of ourselves.