Mission Statement and About Us

Hi! I am Madison Lindsay. I am co-writing this blog with two of my peers. I am a Criminal Justice major. I have always been interested in ocean preservation, and I want to pass on my knowledge to all of you! I have spent most of my summers at the beach and in the Bahamas. Marine life needs our help, and I hope this blog helps you find a way to preserve our oceans too!



Hey, my name is Harper Ward and I’m a junior at Longwood University. I’m an elementary/middle school education major with a focus on middle school English. I think it’s important to educate our youth about what they can do to help save our oceans. I am co-writing this blog to provide resources and information about how they can do just that!



Hi, my name is Dylan Campbell and I am an Elementary Education major at Longwood University. I believe that Ocean Preservation is important to the world and the future of our society.  Without the oceans our future would be in jeopardy. I am co-writing this to raise awareness for an important issue and create a better world today!




Mission Statement: Our mission is to raise awareness and provide resources and information to people who want to also provide ocean conservation. It is important that we strive to keep the oceans waste free and together we can make it happen.