Cassie Robertson’s E portfolio


1.) Cassie Robertson


3.) Major: Sociology-Family Science Concentration Minor: Political Science

4.) South Eastern Area (Florida)

5.) Family counselor, or Marriage and Family counselor


SOCL 220

Identity Portfolio Part 1:

1.) Personality: I am a 19-year old female who is very active and enjoys anything relating to the gym. My favorite cool down is volleyball.

gender, physical ability, and age.

2.) External Dimensions Geographic Location: My starting income, i’d like for it to be around $55,000. I am a good saver, so that is a great personal habit of mine. My educational background includes a bachelors in sociology with a family science concentration at Longwood University.

income, personal habits, and educational background.

3.) Organizational Dimensions, Functional Level/Classification: I want my political affiliation to stay private at my workplace and not be a deciding factor in my interactions with clients. I want to work in the counseling field. My work location is important, as it needs to not be far from my home.

union or political affiliation, work content/field, work location

4.) Picking four identities:

Identities for future self: Physical Ability, Marital Status, Parental Status, Income

Physical ability is an identity that explains what kind of physical capabilities you have. It talks about strength and stamina when it comes to physical activity. For my future self, I want to continue my active lifestyle. It is rated second for importance.

Marital Status is an identity relating to if you are single, married, or divorced. I want to be married in my future to someone who understands the true meaning and value of marriage. For my future self, this is very important to me, however, the rate of divorce is very high, and I am realistic with myself. This is rated fourth on my list of importance given my knowledge of the way the world is today.

Parental status is an identity that talks about the role you have as a parent. I want kids in the future, it is an ultimate dream of mine to be able to have a family I can nurture and care for. This is rated third on my list of importance, because it is very important for me to bring my own into this world some day.

Income is an identity that is effected by what job you hold in the workplace. It is an effect on what degree you have obtained and how hard you worked to get it. For my future self, my career and my pay are absolutely the most important identities I would associate with myself. It dictates how well I can provide for myself and my family one day. I want everyone to be taken care of and for them to have a mom who enjoys what she does and knows she is making a difference in the world for her and her family. This is rated first on my list of importance.

5.) Meeting Different Dimensions Of Identity

Physical Ability:

This identity meets the factors affecting the identity because you can see yourself as fit and healthy. Who doesn’t want to view themselves as fit and healthy? I want my physical ability to progress as I get older. This will improve my self-esteem because I will love who I see in the mirror and feel better about my personal worth. Self-esteem is important because it shapes how you think of yourself. It has a significant impact on your mental health and your well-being. My efficacy and the way I think of myself will be positive and I will feel like I have control over my body and health. Efficacy is the belief that a person has the ability to chase their goals and dreams. This correlates to personal worth as well. Being fit and happy with your image on the outside relates to your level of self. Lastly, the idea of mattering is crucial. Mattering holds a sense of knowing you belong and relates to your overall happiness. I’ll be happy with who I see in the mirror, and that will give me confidence and diligence to want to help others with their physical ability. Doing this will make me feel like I matter because I am such a great influence on others.

Marital status:

This affects the identity because you have love for someone and they have love for you. You are able to build a beautiful life with someone who has the same dreams and goals as you. As a union, you each pursue these together. Being married improves self-esteem because your partner should build your confidence and your worth each and every day. This self-esteem radiates with the abundance of happiness you have. Your efficacy will be greater in a happy marriage because you have control over your life and a partner who is there with you through all of the hardship. Efficiency matters in a marriage because you need control. Mattering when you are married is extremely important. The idea of mattering is feeling like someone cares for you. In a marriage, you should feel like you matter to your significant other and be shown this without having to ask for it. Personal worth is also huge in a marriage because you need to love and value yourself before you love and value someone else.

Parental Status:

This type of identity shapes who you are and your role in this world. Being a caregiver and showing love to others warms my heart. I want children of my own one day who I can look at and help them chase their dreams and passions for their entire life. Being a parent improves self-esteem because it makes you proud when your child is doing well in this world. Self-esteem is crucial when having children because they learn from their role models. It means your parent styles and your way of parenting are doing some good, and you have done good in this world by having children. You feel a sense of self worth and achievement. This sense of worth makes you a better parent because you feel appreciated. Your efficacy will improve every day seeing the challenges your children work through with your guidance and the smiles on their faces when they come out on top. Lastly, the idea of mattering, because without you, your children wouldn’t be here. They wouldn’t have someone to call mom and ask for help for the littlest thing. They give you a sense of matter because they need someone to call who is always there for them no matter what.


This type of identity shapes who you become in this world and what it took to get there. Our incomes dictate a lot in our lives. Having a decent income is important for various reasons. Having a good level of self-esteem correlates with having a good income. For instance, if you have a high level of self-esteem, this means you are content and happy with your income. We have to have a good income to take care of ourselves and our families. When we are taken care of and dressed nice, our self-esteem is high. Your efficacy and the control you have in life are related to how much money you are making. If you are making a good income, then you have control over your bills and money, which is good way to feel at peace and happy. Lastly, feeling like you matter and personal worth correlates with having a good income because, depending on which job you choose, you have people who count on you. These people need you at work and need your help so there is a sense of belonging, and without you there, the show wouldn’t run as smoothly or it may not run at all.

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