Chapter 11: Regression In R Studio
- Log into R studio
- Open your project
- Start typing on a new line:
- regress<-lm(v6~v36,data=y)
- summary(regress)
- Your results should look like this:
Income has an effect on parental participation, according to the regression analysis. According to my theory, higher-income families will have more parental participation. Families’ ability to participate in various activities will be significantly impacted by their level of income.
Involvement decreases by -0.1034 units for every unit rise in income. Analyzing the data demonstrates that participation in the activity is not correlated with income. At the.001 level, the findings are not significant. The dependent variable, V36, which measures involvement, has a R squared statistic of 0.005917, which means that this model accounts for 0.5% of the variation in V36.