Table 4
Student Involvement regarding new COVID-19 policies enacted by Longwood
Variable | coef. | S.E | R- squared |
Trust in Policies | .332*** | .048 | .000 |
Note: p<.05*, p<.01**, p<.001***, N= 433
Table 4 above shows the coefficients of both variables that were tested. The independent variable in this case was the students’ trust regarding the new COVID-19 and how beneficial they are at reducing the spread of COVID-19. The dependent variable was the students’ involvement on campus. Asking them to rank how their involvement on campus has changed since the new COVID-19 policies. For every unit of increase in trust in policies, there is a .332 unit increase in the involvement of students on campus. The coefficient is significant at the .001 level as shown in the table above. This model explains 0.004% of the variation in student involvement on campus.