Common Good Project

The Common Good Project was unlike any other Powerpoint or Prezi presentation I have done in my college career. Once paired together, my group went over the topics we were each interested in. Gender equality was one topic we all agreed was an important societal issue that needed to be discussed. It was exciting to have made our own website and research a topic that my group enjoyed talking about. Having to work in a group was great; we worked exceptionally well together and were able to bounce ideas off of each other to create new concepts for the website. Our group met together multiple times to ensure the best quality for our website and brochure. We each played an essential role in the creation and presentation of our project and ultimately sparked a lot of conversation from the class during the questions portion of our presentation.

I believe this project touches on all five Course Learning Outcomes. Our group was able to engage in the process of citizen leadership by investigating multiple perspectives on critical public issues, specifically gender inequality. We were also able to understand the nature of public discourse and debate as determined by purpose, audience, and context. Because the project was in a website format, we believe we were able to influence a large group of people because the majority of our target audience has access to the internet. We also chose to create a brochure because hypothetically we would place them in cooperations or schools where gender inequality occurs. Our group was also able to analyze the effectiveness of our texts and processes for these specific rhetorical situations. And finally, we were able to understand how the knowledge, skills, and values learned in general education are interwoven and interrelated, and how they can contribute to the process of citizen leadership. We believe this project made us into better citizen leaders and hope that our project influenced our peers to become one as well. 


Common Good Project