Rhetorical Analysis

This writing assignment not only helped me to become a better writer on rhetoric and active citizenship, but also pertains to our course learning outcomes in a few ways. The learning objective that states “engage in the process of citizen leadership by investigating multiple perspectives on important public issues” was one of the outcomes I thought relates to this writing the most. I had to research information on the important public issue of gender inequality. My findings from this paper also helped me to build a foundation on what I wanted to discuss in my Common Good Project. 

Another course learning objective I thought was relevant to my rhetorical analysis was “understand how the knowledge, skills, and values learned in general education are interwoven and interrelated, and how they can contribute to the process of citizen leadership”. When writing this paper, I thought it would be beneficial to utilize Aristotle’s three appeals to best convey my findings on the topic. Emma Watson in her speech utilizes primarily the pathos appeal, but touches on all three of Aristotle’s means of persuasion. The lessons on gender inequality that I learned through this rhetorical analysis assignment are indeed interrelated and contribute to my aspiration to become a better citizen leader. 


Rhetorical Analysis of Emma Watson’s Speech
‘Gender Equality is Your Issue Too’