About Me

My name is Jaelyn Jenkins. I am from Northern, Virginia and have lived here my entire life. I am a Senior at Longwood University majoring in Social Work. My goal after graduation is to obtain my masters in clinical social work. I currently work as a camp counselor for Metro Movement teaching kids in cheer, dance, and gymnastics. When I’m not studying or working, I enjoy dancing, being outdoors, and hanging out with friends.

I became passionate about social work when I was around 15 years old. This is when I started babysitting for children around my neighborhood and came to the conclusion that I would like to work with kids. From then on, I quickly realized that there are numerous children in the world who do not have families and/or have been abused and neglected. This is what motivated me to start the journey into the social work field. My short-term goals include finishing my degree and obtaining a job integrating education and social work. This can consist of working in a foster care system or early intervention services. My long-term goals revolve around obtaining my master’s in social work and becoming a clinical social worker. I am passionate about working with children and adolescents to improve their emotional wellness and provide support during these difficult times.