
Table 1. Chi-squared of parent enjoyment by engagement

Engagement Low Enjoyment High Enjoyment Total 
Low Engagement 20 14 34 
High Engagement 10 22 32 
  Chi-Square   4.00* 

Note: p<.05*, p<.01**, p<.001*** 

The dependent variable for this chi-squared was family engagement. This was split into two groups by the engagement of the family with low engagement on the scale between 0-7 and high engagement on the scale between 8-10. The independent variable was enjoyment and this was split into a scale of 0-7 for low enjoyment and 8-10 for high enjoyment. Low engagement, low enjoyment there were 20 respondents. Low engagement, High enjoyment there were 14 respondents. High engagement, low enjoyment there were 10 respondents. High engagement, high enjoyment there were 22 respondents. The Chi-squared result 4.00* shows that there is a significant difference. Therefore family enjoyment influences family engagement.