Today, May 25th, at around 1pm, we went to Livingston, Montana which is about an hour outside of Gardiner. Some of the first things we noticed as we got inside the town was that the upkeep was poor, compared to the other places we have visited such as Jackson Hole and Gardiner. The town scenery wasn’t as pretty because there were only a few mountains in the background, which seems to be the reason why the town was not as touristic as Gardiner. Here is a map of what we walked past in the town.

We walked all around the town, but there wasn’t much to do, so we went to the sport’s bar and ended up talking to the bartender, Natasha, for a while. She was cool and she said “tourism does not bother me because it brings business to our small town”. While talking to Natasha, she informed us that the main attraction of the town is fly fishing. We observed many public documents displaying fish including a sculpture of a fish, and  a picture of a sticker on a car that says “fish on”  hadn’t made the connection until Natasha told us fly fishing is the main attraction of the town.

Inside the bar and town, we noticed that the population was older generations. The buildings were not flashy, but the town did not really have a theme either (kinda boring). The burger that we all ordered was pretty good and cost about the same in Gardiner.

Livingston was interesting, but unless you’re into fly fishing, it could come off as boring.

Stay tuned for our next adventure #TheGrizzLU