
This portfolio aims to display who I am as not only a worker, but a person. There are so many aspects that going into picking and choosing a career and these highlight those ideas. Professionalism is very important but I also feel that it is important to be raw and truthful all at the same time. It may not be the norm but I think that’s how someone can get a good idea of who you are and who they want.


Personal Information

Lorali Wray

2440 Hillsboro Quay


My goal for a job after I graduate is to find something that I enjoy doing and that will make it possible to survive in this economy. I honestly don’t know exactly what that is but I will have to figure it out and I fell that things will happen the way they are supposed too.

Seeking a federal position that specializes in human trafficking
Seeking a position that utilizes my skills in research, analyzing, and critical thinking.


Floyd E. Kellam High School
Virginia Beach, Virginia
June 18, 2022
Graduated with honors

Work and Experience

Auto Connection- Virginia Beach, Helper

I did things like copy and keep track of invoices, order parts and deliver cars to other shops. I also did things like oil changes, plugging tires and delivering news to customers.

Patriot Electrical Wiring- Virginia Beach, Apprentice

I basically did anything and everything I could. I learned and installed thermostats and wired units. I would order and deliver parts and help with blueprint reading.


I played basketball in high school and my freshman year of college.

I cheered competitively from age 5-17, I also cheered for school in middle and high school.


Soft skills: being responsible, loyal, hardworking and organized
Hard skills: research and writing, analyzing data, Excel and networking


Alecia Eimer

Contact: (757)-531-6002

Sargent Josh Gooch

Contact: (757)-404-1109

Professional Self

I want the main focus of my work to help people. I want to make a difference in individual lives and the world as a whole. My love of family and wanting to build my own one day is what motivates me. Work is important but family will always come first in my book.

I wouldn’t say I have lot’s of experience in criminal justice but I am confident that I have a well rounded amount of experience in plenty areas. I help my dad run his electrical company and when I’m home I help my mom with her stay at home daycare business. I love kids and I also love challenging myself and learning all types of things. The summer before I came back to school I worked at Auto Connection and picked up not only handy skills but also people skills.

I want my future career to be flexible with a family life and provide that fulfillment that makes me want to come to work everyday.

Some skills I feel like I have down is organization, networking and people skills and also going with the flow and being as flexible as I can.

Most people would say I like to stay very organized because it helps me stay on track when it comes to my work.

Im well aware my dad isn’t some big celebrity but I would choose to do the best I can to turn out like him. He built his life from nothing and has turned it into something beautiful and ambitious. He has values I adore and also am passionate about and in all his work he never looses sight of what matters most, family.

Q1. What do the 7 competencies have to do with careers

1. Critical thinking, the ability to problem solve 

2. Professionalism, acting as one would in the appropriate setting

3. Communication, being able to listen to someone and incorporate that into the work

4. Teamwork, working well with others and holding each other accountable

5. Leadership, taking initiative and distributing tasks effectively 

6. Technology, having the appropriate skills for the job and being responsible

7. Equity and Inclusion, being fair

Personal Examples

  1. I demonstrated critical thinking by creating different ways to get a range cars to different sublet shops when working at Auto Connection.
  2. I demonstrated professionalism by showing up to school and work on time and completing my tasks, sometimes beyond my tasks.
  3. I demonstrated communication by clearly voicing my boundaries in the workplace enviroment.
  4. I demonstrated teamwork by working effectively with others in group projects as a student.