Two of the library’s database vendors are offering free H1N1 information to the public.

Ebsco Publishing will provide continually updated, evidence-based clinical information from DynaMed™ and Nursing Reference Center™, EBSCO’s clinical and nursing point-of-care databases, along with patient education information in 17 languages from Patient Education Reference Center™. Please visit often and feel free to share, post, and email this link.
Gale Cengage Learning Gale is giving free access to the newly created Swine Flu Portal (Access Expired February 15, 2010) in Global Issues in Context. Updated daily, this portal offers: an in-depth expert overview; 279 perspectives (editorials) from international publications, such as The London Times and Africa News Service; 191 podcasts; 17,000+ news articles; and a link to the World Health Organization’s pandemic alert status.
Longwood students, faculty, and staff, as well as parents of current students, may check the Student Health Center website for the most current information about the H1N1 virus and how the campus community is responding. Additional information about the H1N1 (swine) flu virus is also available at: