Due to the uncertain weather of this coming Friday (February 5), Game Night will be postponed. Check back later for the new date.
Due to the uncertain weather of this coming Friday (February 5), Game Night will be postponed. Check back later for the new date.
We are pleased to announce that the Resources for Academic Transformation Libguide created by the Academic Transformation Committee is now available. To access the libguide from the Library’s homepage, scroll down to and click on “Resources for Academic Transformation” in the “Research Your Topic” dialog box.
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Martin Clark featured at Friday, November 13 at 6:00 p.m. |
Mr. Martin Clark, a circuit court judge in Patrick and Henry county and Martinsville, VA will speak at the Friends of the Janet D. Greenwood Library’s Fall event. He has written three books entitled Plain Heathen Mischief, The Many Aspects of Mobile Home Living, and The Legal Limit. The Legal Limit spent 30 straight weeks on Amazon’s legal thriller list and was named 2008 Book of the Year for both the Washington Post Book World and Bookmarks Magazine. Plain Heathen Mischief was chosen as a selection for the Quality Paperback Book Club and appeared on both Amazon’s and Barnes and Nobles’ Top 100 Books List. There will be a book signing after Mr. Clark speaks. Barnes and Noble will be present selling books. Limited seating available.
For more information, contact Keary Mariannino, marianninokm@longwood.edu or 434-395-2431
Need an image? Search CAMIO.
Go to the library’s website, click on Art under “Research Your Topic,” and click on CAMIO.
CAMIO—Catalog of Art Museum Images Online—is a premiere resource of works of art from around the world contributed and described by leading museums. Showcasing a wide range of fine and decorative art, CAMIO provides 95,000 high-quality art images for education, research and enjoyment.
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“Interpreting Alice through the Ages” Thursday, October 22 at 3:30 p.m. |
“Interpreting Alice through the Ages” will be the subject of a lecture by Dr. Rhonda Brock-Servais, department chair and associate professor of English at Longwood University, on Thursday, October 22 at 3:30 p.m. in the Atrium of Greenwood Library. The lecture is part of a series of events related to Greenwood Library’s archival and special collections.
In her lecture about Lewis Carroll’s well-known classic, Alice in Wonderland, Dr. Brock-Servais will address the ongoing popularity of Alice in her various incarnations and add her own favorite interpretation to the mix, which reveals Alice as the fairy tale heroine. In 1999, Longwood received a sizable collection of books and memorabilia related to Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland from the late Carol S. Droessler, a 1950 Longwood graduate, and her husband, Dr. Earl Droessler of Raleigh, North Carolina. Dr. Brock-Servais will highlight this collection during her presentation. In addition, selected books and memorabilia from the Droessler collection will be on display in the Greenwood Library during October.
Following the presentation, refreshments will be served in the Library’s Special Collections Room 202.
In spring 2009, we surveyed students to get feedback on the look and feel of our library research guides. The students we surveyed wanted to see four things:
-less clutter
-more search boxes
-convenient boxes for IM chat questions
-librarians’ friendly faces.
We were happy to report that in most cases, our research guides rated favorably in comparison with guides from other institutions and that student comments were generally positive. However, we listened and made the changes YOU requested. So, what are you waiting for? Go to our Research Guides, chat with us, leave comments, and share your favorite research sources! You can also access research guides via Longwood University Library Facebook .
Two of the library’s database vendors are offering free H1N1 information to the public.
Ebsco Publishing will provide continually updated, evidence-based clinical information from DynaMed™ and Nursing Reference Center™, EBSCO’s clinical and nursing point-of-care databases, along with patient education information in 17 languages from Patient Education Reference Center™. Please visit http://www.ebscohost.com/flu/ often and feel free to share, post, and email this link.
Gale Cengage Learning Gale is giving free access to the newly created Swine Flu Portal (Access Expired February 15, 2010) in Global Issues in Context. Updated daily, this portal offers: an in-depth expert overview; 279 perspectives (editorials) from international publications, such as The London Times and Africa News Service; 191 podcasts; 17,000+ news articles; and a link to the World Health Organization’s pandemic alert status.
Longwood students, faculty, and staff, as well as parents of current students, may check the Student Health Center website for the most current information about the H1N1 virus and how the campus community is responding. Additional information about the H1N1 (swine) flu virus is also available at: http://www.cdc.gov/h1n1flu/.
Greenwood Library and Lancer Productions are hosting their fall semi-annual game night, Friday, September 18th from 6:30 to 9:30. PLAY video games, board games, etc., enjoy refreshments and listen to great music provided by WMLU. We hope to see you there!
Need a computer? The Library now has a limited number of dell laptops available for student use within the building.
Go to the Circulation/Reserve Desk to check out a laptop for up to 3 hours. See Website for details http://www.longwood.edu/library/about/policy/laptop_checkout.htm
New Log Off Procedures on the Library’s Computers:
TO LOG OFF, Click on the Start button (bottom-left), then choose “Log 0ff.” If you don’t do this, no one else can use the computer after you leave!!!