Professional Report

Through this professional report, all the learning outcomes learned throughout the semester were achieved. I worked on this project in a group with two other members. The first learning outcome that was achieved was, “analyze and produce writing genres according to the rhetorical situation of workplace contexts.” The rhetorical situation for this report was to create a guide for communication sciences and disorders students at Longwood University. The rhetorical situation was not as difficult as the other projects in this class because it was based on my major which is a topic, I am well versed in. The second learning outcome was to “create professional documents that use plain English principles.” The language in this document was plain English and was targeted towards students. The writing was clear and provided specific details that any student could understand. This project allowed me to display my understanding of plain English and the eights Cs of professional writing. The third learning outcome was, “conduct research to create content for a variety of professional documents.” This outcome was more difficult because we had to create elements we have never done before such as an executive summary, letter of transmittal, letter of authorization, and table of contents. We used resources such as PowerPoints from class, our textbook, and YouTube to navigate through Microsoft word and include the correct content for each section. However, after researching aspects of the report heavily, I am confident in creating elements for a professional report. The fourth learning outcome achieved was, “create professional documents that use design principles.” There were many lists, visual elements, and white space that we had to edit so that our report followed the professional design principles. This was an easy outcome however; it took hours to prefect our report to align with the design principles. The fifth learning outcome was, “practice oral communication skills to present content effectively.” We successful presented our report including only the key points in our report. Our group presented the rhetorical situation clear and used specific details to support our report. The last learning outcome was, “participate productively in collaborative projects.” We struggled the most with this outcome. Our group did not communicate effectively throughout this project, and I did most of the work. This part of the assignment was very frustrating and caused stress on the group. However, we completed the report on time and put our best efforts into the project. 

Overall, this report helped me to display the learning outcomes I learned over the semester. There were some positive and negative aspects of this assignment but, I am pleased about how it turned out and I learned a lot throughout my journey in writing this report. 

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