
Included in this ePortfolio you will find correspondence (which includes the Bad-News Letter and Persuasive Letter), brochure, press release, and professional report. While taking English 470, I have developed better writing, communication, and leadership skills that I will be able to transfer to my future education and career. Before this class, I had no professional writing skills. I had never created a professional document or wrote in a professional manner. After achieving the six learning outcomes, I am confident in my ability to produce professional work. As a speech-language pathologist, I will need to write professional reports for my clients, write professional emails, and present oral presentations which I learned in English 470. I have a few years before I become a speech-language pathologist so I took notes throughout this class that I will reference throughout my professional career. I struggled with oral presentations before this class however, this course has taught me how to communicate information effectively to an audience. I appreciate the opportunity to strengthen my oral presentation skills as it is an important skill in speech-language pathology. Overall, I am glad to have been able to take this course because now I have the resources to be able to be successful in professional environments.