
A Speech Language Pathologist will treat a client with Huntington’s Disease by:

  • Assess swallow function
    • Interview the client on their swallowing/difficulties 
    • Oral motor exam: Cranial Nerves, voice and cough strength, breath support “ah”, articulatory agility (tongue, lips)
    • Food trails
    • Instrumental exam- modified barium swallow study 
  • Assess speech, language, and cognition
    • Speech: articulation, phonation, coordination
    • Language: expressive and receptive
    • Cognition: attention, memory, problem solving 
  • Offer guidance for safe swallowing
    • Keeping a journal of swallowing difficulties
    • Keep consistent mealtimes
    • Sit upright and support head if needed during swallowing
    • Use a straw or cup with a lid 
    • Use weighted utensils and plastic dishes with rims 
    • Put utensils down between bites to monitor rate of eating
    • Cough every few bites to remove residue
    • Sip water throughout the day 
  • Make suggestions for efficient nutrition
    • Cook food longer to make them softer
    • Chop foods/finely grind them
    • Add sauces and condiments 
    • Puree foods if chewing is difficult 
    • add high calorie, nutrient dense foods to blender for shakes and soups 
    • Thicken liquids if coughing is consistent when drinking
    • Swap hard foods for soft ones 
  • Assist with effective communication
    • Engage the listener and speaker in communication
    • Listener must accept the responsibility for the conversation exchange 
  • Support 
    • Treatment plans/ modifications for client and caregiver
    • Assistive communication devices