Letter to My Senior Self

Dear Senior Version of Me,

Congratulations!  You made it! Or maybe you didn’t. I don’t know. I’m not that far into school yet. But I will say that I’ve made it through my first year, and as such, all sorts of interesting things have happened to me.

First, of course, I had to adjust to college life. For starters, there was no more “time to wake up, Leah, you’ve slept through your alarm again!” I had to rely on nothing more than my alarm clock and my own sense of time to get me through. I overslept and missed early morning class a few times at first, but I eventually worked out a strategy: set my alarm at least 3 hours earlier than my first class. This gives me enough time to sleep past my alarm a bit and then get up. I did not have a roommate this year, so I had the place to myself, which also helped. I could use work on controlling my food intake, but other than that, I think I did okay.

I haven’t been active in very many clubs yet, as I’ve been too busy getting adjusted and also putting 100% of my efforts into my school work. (One of my major goals for my next four years is to maintain good grades throughout.) However, I was involved in Pitch Perfect, an a capella group on campus. We sang all sorts of songs, mostly of the pop variety, and we performed several concerts throughout the year. We even attended a conference designed to help a capella groups improve. It was a lot of fun.

My goals for the future can be outlined directly into the three Pillars. First of all, for the Scholarship pillar, I hope to do well in my academics, getting As and Bs in almost everything. I hope to continue studying the English major, with a Creative Writing concentration for sure, as well as maybe a Secondary Education concentration (I haven’t decided yet). For the Community pillar, I hope to make more friends, and I hope to continue to accomplish great things within Pitch Perfect. Finally, for the Service pillar, I hope to make a difference in the community, no matter how small that difference may be.

Did I accomplish those goals? Actually, don’t tell me. I want to be surprised.

