Global Perspectives & Star Wars

Society as a whole is constantly evolving. As citizens, we are expected to be held to a specific standard that meets certain stereotypes. A common term usually referred to from an economic standpoint is globalization. Globalization can be referred to as the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operation on an international scale. A 21st-century Global perspectives term is commonly referred to as McDonaldization. McDonaldization is referred to as a way of thinking about contemporary forms of capitalist production. Since the boom of the Star Wars Industry, the movie series is a prime example of globalization and how it can be used. Capitalist focus on four important factors when producing products for consumers, first off the efficiency, which is when products are produced in and made in the most efficient model possible. Next is calculability, this is when producers use quantitative methods to asses the profitability and the market productions of a good. Then we have predictability, which is when consumers can anticipate that the quality and content of the products because they have been held to a standard. Lastly, We have control of technology through the labor force.

Efficiency: When products are produced and made available to consumers in the most efficient way possible. For example products and companies start allowing audible downloads so customers can download books from there home on there desired devices. The Star Wars Movie series switched to being available on DVD in 2006, In order to offer convenience for customers to watch the movie out of there own homes.

Calculability: This can be described as when producers determine the market for products by tracking sales and predicting the success of future related goods. An example would be when a company releases a product and track the sales before producing a new similar product. When Star wars create a new Lightsaber or interactive prop they track the sales of the previous ones sold to guess on how much to produce and what they can do to outsell the first product they created.

Predictability: This can be described as when consumers anticipate the quality and content of the product because the products they are buying are held to a common standard. An example of this is when consumers are purchasing a new Star Wars Video game, and have heard positive reviews from friends and own a game that was released prior so they can trust that the new one is going to be held to their desired standards.

Control through the Technology Labor Force: this can be described as when corporations produce goods that humans consumer and get more and more powerful with the rate at how rapidly technology is producing products. For example, factories used to rely on humans to produce goods, which would take twice as long now they use technology and advanced machinery.

Globalization In Star Wars: The Star Wars Movie industry has done a phenomenal job of Globalizing their products. They can market almost anything as long as they label it star wars or add a photograph of a character. Star Wars has sold items such as Lego Sets, Video games, Blankets ect. The Products of been globalized and marketed to consumers fantastically.

Overall globalization is used in all aspects of the product market. Whether you are purchasing a new tooth brush or are a Marketing Executive for a company you are involved in globalization. A question to ask yourself is whether or not globalization is beneficial for the worldwide economy?