
The honors program does an amazing job of keeping you feeling connected to your peers in the honors program. I have made some amazing friends through the honors program and I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to meet everyone in the honors college.

I lived in Wheeler Hall for my freshman year that was sadly cut short. Living here made it easy to see my honors peers quite literally all of the time. Also, shared spaced like the honors lounge made for a great sense of community. Not only are these shared spaces great hangout spaces, but they also have free food, printers, and make for great study areas!

My favorite aspect of the honors community started with the freshman retreat. Although it was exhausting, it was such a great way to start off my freshman year because it established a group of familiar faces for me that eventually grew into good friends.

I am extremely grateful for the wonderful honors community, and the foundation that it has given me socially and academically at the school. For any honors student or faculty reading this; hello I hope you are having a great day! 🙂

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