My process of doing academic research has changed since the beginning of the semester by being able to actively participate in a study where data was collected from fellow students regarding COVID-19 from a learning prospective. Also, being able to go step by step into creating a survey that was relevant to a real world application.
The process for selecting the sources was making sure they were academic related and tied into the COVID-19 from an education perspective. I chose to use sources that focused on online and hybrid learning compared to the traditional classroom environment.
Some of the challenges I ran into while doing research for my assignments was coming across sources that were not credible and did not fit the mold of what we were doing as a class in terms of the research topic. One specific challenge I encountered was using the program Rstudio for the first time. This program was used to take the data we had gathered from the survey that was sent out and come up with results. The main way to overcome this obstacle was to use Rstudio for frequently in order to get the hang of how to use it.
My attitudes and perceptions have changed drastically over the past semester in how to conduct research, at a group capacity and an individual capacity. An example would be when the semester first started I thought to myself, it is going to be a large amount of work to be successful in this course, but I think I can manage. I am very impressed with how I had performed in the course with having it being taught half online and half in person.