Standard 1: Foundational Knowledge

Candidates demonstrate knowledge of major theoretical, conceptual, historical, and evidence-based foundations of literacy and language, the ways in which they interrelate, and the role of the reading/literacy specialist in schools.

Roles and Responsibilities of the Literacy Specialist

This artifact is an overview of the history of a literacy specialist and the roles of a literacy specialist today. As a literacy specialist, you are a leader in the school and this includes a reflection on the main components of a literacy specialist: assessment, instruction, and leadership in regards to students, staff, and the system as a whole.

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Literacy Specialist Interview

This artifact contains an interview with a sitting literacy specialist and a reflection of the interview. This interview details the roles and duties that the literacy specialist plays not only in the schools, but in the community as well.

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The artifacts of a “Roles and Responsibilities” essay and an interview with a sitting literacy specialist are serving as a representation of this standard of foundation knowledge. In order to exemplify understanding of this standard, it is essential to understand the historical context and evidence-based practices and how these have led to the role of the literacy specialist as we know it today. Through the assignment of the “Roles and Responsibilities” essay, I was able to examine the historical context of research and “evidence-based foundations related to the role of the reading/literacy specialist” (ILA 1.4).  Also through this assignment, I was able to examine the historical context of “evidence-based components of reading (e.g…phonological awareness, phonics, word recognition, ….) development” (ILA 1.1) because while researching for this assignment, I was able to learn about how children used to learn how to read and learn about how the research has changed to support more sustainable practices. Much has changed and the only thing that remains the same between then and now is the fact that the job of the teacher and the reading specialist is plenty. Also, by conducting an interview with a current  reading specialists, I was able to learn so much about the roles and responsibilities that they play from supporting the students, staff, and advocating for best practices for the school. Through this interview, I was able to understand “the role of the reading/literacy specialist” (ILA 1.4) as it is today and compare it to my understanding of this role in the past.