Survey Question

My dependent variable is the health center. I am going to use the following question to operationalize that. On a scale from 0-10, what is your level of trust in receiving accurate information from the Longwood COVID-19 Dashboard?

My independent variable is student satisfaction. I am going to be using the following question to operationalize that. On a scale from 0-10, how satisfied are you with your overall college experience this semester?

I believe the first question is the best for my topic as it discusses the dashboard which is directly connected to the University Health Center. It gives students a broad spectrum of possible answers so that they can be as specific as they need to be. Each student’s answer will be different based on what they have experienced, and this question will operationalize that. The second question might have to be switched out but as of right now I think it does a good job collecting the severity of student’s unsatisfaction during the COVID-19 pandemic.

There are multiple things that need to be done to perform a survey in an efficient and intelligent way. I think it is important that students have multiple options for answers. This limits the amount of answers that are not how the students are feeling. Anonymity and consent are also important. Students need to be aware of what the survey is going to be used for and they need to have anonymity if that is what they are expecting to receive.