citizen 110
Ctzn: 110
Reflection: This class was very interesting. It kept me on my toes, and was very fun. I got along with all of my classmates, and had a blast during discussions with them. This class required a lot of reading, but the reading sparked up a lot of questions for in class discussions. During these discussions, classmates learned a lot about each other, and how their minds work. Each answer to each question would create another question with another type of answer, and the cycle would repeat. This would go on the whole class period. Over all, this class was amazing. Also during this class I worked with a group to create a lecture on the material that we learned in the first unit. We worked together, but had individual roles. This taught me to lead, and be responsible.
Description: This is an outline to a presentation that we gave during my first semester with a group of classmates. The title is ” Unit Presentation 1 Outline”, the authors include: me, Kacy Lloyd, John Eddy and Hannah Cook.
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