The Happiest Place On Earth: The Virginia Aquarium

My senior year of high school I took a trip to Mexico for spring break. I went snorkeling with seven-foot stingrays and some enormous sea turtles, and even swam with hundreds of fish in a sinkhole 9 meters deep inside of a cave full of bats. It was after this trip that I became obsessed with the marine life that our earth’s oceans have to offer.

In the midst of my obsession, I wanted nothing more than to be close with those animals again. It wasn’t realistic to go back to Mexico, so I picked my second-best option, the Virginia Aquarium. I lived only 20 minutes away, so on my birthday my boyfriend drove me there and we got a year-long membership. Every chance I got I was going to visit the animals, so here’s my opinion on the Virginia Aquarium. 

When it comes to pricing, the tickets for a day pass are a bit expensive, but the memberships for 2 people or for a family are definitely worth it! There are so many exhibits to visit that people of all ages will enjoy.

For young children, there are interactive stations at most of the animal exhibits and games that are not only fun, but also educational. The staff are absolutely wonderful and are happy to answer all of your childrens’ (or even your) questions. They are extremely knowledgeable about the animals they care for. The aquarium caters to all age groups and interests (including those who love snakes, komodo dragons, poison dart frogs, crocodiles, and more!).

In my opinion, the top 3 exhibits for people of all ages at the Virginia Aquarium are:

  • The Jellyfish Room
  • The Sea Turtle Tank
  • The Red Sea Tunnel

My favorite animals at the Virginia Aquarium are these jellyfish! They move so elegantly and their colors are extremely beautiful.

The Jellyfish Room is small but is always changing. Depending on the day you go in, the Virginia Aquarium might have Moon Jellyfish, a Bay Nettle Jelly, Lion’s Mane Jellyfish, or more! This exhibit is always my first stop at the aquarium because these creatures make for the most mesmerizing photos!

The Sea Turtle Tank is second, with the most friendly sea turtles I’ve met at any aquarium. These guys are big! They love to come up to the glass and interact with younger kids and will even hold still for photographs. Watching them swim around their tank is always a joy.

Finally, the top exhibit at the Virginia Aquarium is the Red Sea Tunnel. This tunnel is breathtaking for both young and old visitors. A walk through this exhibit includes a 180° view of various creatures native to the Red Sea gliding around you. With dozens of fish and a handful of sharks and stingrays, this exhibit is a worthwhile long-lasting memory for any family, couple, or individual!

Overall, the Virginia Aquarium is the perfect fun trip for Virginia residents and tourists alike. My only complaint would have been that they need more exhibits, but they recently announced they are building an addition with more animals to love (which will be opening very soon)!

This experience comes nowhere near to experiencing these animals in the wild as I did in years past, however they do have a lot to offer in terms of safe activities and interactions for younger children. I see this aquarium not as a place to visit on vacation, but a place to take children to spark their interests and curiosity of the world around them.