Realtor Barbora Jerabek: Advertising Traditionally & Digitally

How to use traditional and digital writing styles to work together and increase business with clientele.

“Traditional” advertisements can be seen in newspapers, on billboards, and even on the radio. However, in recent years advertisements have become more digital. Social media posts, short ads between YouTube videos, and even sponsorships have become increasingly popular within the last 10-15 years. 

Realtor Barbora Jerabek utilizes both traditional and digital writing styles to reach various audiences. Her monthly card is sent to homes all across Hampton Roads. These cards are seen by those in various stages of life. Barbora’s goal is to help couples and families alike find homes best suited for their needs.

Above: A photograph of Realtor Barbora Jerabek’s Christmas card for the month of December.

When looking to reach older couples headed into retirement, her cards are most efficient. Many older folks are not active on social media and prefer paper copies of most things. Barbora caters to this audience by showcasing homes of interest to this audience. Houses near beaches and smaller, one-story homes are better suited for these individuals as they are looking to rest and their bodies are aging.

Above: A photo of Realtor Barbora Jerabek’s Instagram account, showcasing her services and areas of expertise.

@friendsinrealty on Instagram

When looking to reach younger couples or families, Barbora’s social media posts are more efficient. Young families are typically looking for homes they can grow into. Multi-room houses with plenty of kitchen and backyard space are what a majority of these couples are looking for to accommodate their children. She showcases these options on her social media, as well as showing young people ways to improve their credit and decrease their debt.

Both of these forms of advertisements are intending to reach a widespread group of people. They each display key elements that are of interest to the groups they intend to reach, and show the knowledge of Mrs. Jerabek as a realtor. However, these differ slightly when it comes to how the content is displayed.

On social media, Barbora shares more personal information about herself and her story, whereas in cards less of her personal information is shown. Her reasoning behind this is that cards may reach both people young and old, and those young people who seek out her social media accounts such as Instagram are looking to get to know her better. By sharing personal details and her story, she gains a bit of trust and shows her personality more with clients.

Overall, Realtor Barbora Jerabek utilizes her advertisements, both digital and traditional, to reach specific audiences in order to increase her clientele. She’s helped two lovely families close on homes this month, and can’t wait to help others find the houses of their dreams!